12 February 2008

Out of HUC6 in round 2

I lost a somewhat long quality HU match to RecessRampage. Again I have no hand histories on my work computer, but there weren't many showdowns to speak of. Neither one of us got too comitted to many pots. Most of the chips passed with well times reraises or post flop raises.

I won the 1st, but couldn't take down the 2nd or 3rd. I got off to a nice lead in the 2nd, but squandered it away. I lost some of my confidence and it showed in the 3rd. RecessRampage raised about twice as many pots as the first 2 and I rarely found any cards to fight back with. When I fought back with nothing he either had a hand or saw right through it.

I somewhat recall 1 hand where I think I played it very poorly and cost me greatly. I think it was in the 2nd one. I checked on the turn with 2nd pair on a double suited board with 2 aces. I led out on the river that didn't fill the flush feeling I had the best hand. Unfortunately I only represented exactly what I had or worse. RecessRampage raised the river and fearing him having an A, i couldn't find the call button. I think I need to either bet the turn or call the river. If he calls or raises the turn I can be done with the hand for cheaper.

Either way a quality match played by RecessRampage.

11 February 2008

HUC6 Round 2

My first round opponent was Rubbarose. We had a difficult time scheduling our match. We finally started on Sunday around 9pm. I don't recall many of the hands and I don't have the history on my work computer. It was a number of hands before much action. I won a huge pot leaving him only T60 with 15/30 blinds. The next 2 hands were all-in with him winning both of them. The action and chips stacks were constant for a while with him slowly accumulating. I doubled him up again to around T800. He took control for a while and took the chip lead a little while longer without a showdown.

Then came the hand that would end up deciding it. I raised OTB with A-9. He called and we saw a flop of J-8-5. We both checked and the turn was a 7 giving me the double gutter. He put in a near pot sized bet that I called. I figured myself for 11 outs. 3 for the A and 8 for the straight. The river was a 6 and I min-raised his river bet leaving him very little again. This time he would not catch back up and I had taken game 1. He ended up showing J-8 for the flopped 2 pair. I had certainly got lucky to go runner-runner.

Rubbarose then declined the rematch wanting to concentrate on his deep run in the 13.5k and FTOPS #9. He would later bubble the FT of the 13.5k and bubble the $ in the FTOPS event. I guess with the combination of bubbling the 2 tourneys and losing to my questionable turn call and lucky river he decided to not play it out and forfeit round 1 to me.

Next up - RecessRampage

04 February 2008

MATH was only a tease

Well poker sucked today. I lost 2 buyins at $50nl to 2 and 5 outers on the river. The MATH turned out to be just a tease. I love the 6-max format and it seemed to be working well for me. I had 2 early hands that sent me to the chip lead. One was a boat against surflexus when he turned a straight draw but missed the river. The other was a turned straight from me when emptyman flopped a set and NumbBono caught TPTK on the turn. I didn't capture the first, but here is the second.

I lost my chip lead after TripJax joined the table. He had raised my C-bet a couple times and when I had the OESD I thought a shove was in order. Unfortunately he flopped the nut flush draw and wasn't folding.

I was also unable to capture my exit when pvanharibo needlessly caught the set on the river when i raised all-in on the turn thinking I was trapping with second pair. She had been calling and floating me an awful lot with my aggressive playing and her pocket Q's caught me off guard.

The MATH was a fitting end to my consectutive losing day.

Bodonkey Extras

Smokkee has set up a great tournament series over at Bodog. The TOC will be giving away a 2008 Main Event Seat. Go check out his site for more details. I wish I could play the Bodonkey more, but with darts on tuesday it's pretty tough. I tried to sign up and just play when I got back last week, but that was just frustrating. I quickly logged in to catch 2 pair from the BB and my connection timed out after I bet the turn. I ended up auto folding. When I got home on my own connection I was down to 15bb and reraised all-in preflop with AQ suited. The original raiser called with KJ and turned a boat. gg me

I may try to bring my laptop to the bar and fire it up if the rest of my team can finish out the dart match. (I'm the captain and one of the worst players on the team so that may not be that hard to come by.)

Smokkee deserves much thanks for setting this up.


I have entered the HUC 6. 32 players are inline to compete over the next ~month to determine a winner. Visit the HUC website for more information and ~up to date results.