03 January 2008

2008 Poker Goals

I had been reading some other blogs and their poker goals and thought it would be a good idea to make some of my own. I came up with a pretty optimistic list for myself, but I hope it is reasonable and hope even more to achieve everything on my list. And in no particular order:

  1. Increase my bankroll to $10,000.
  2. Try at least 1 bracelet race on Full Tilt.
  3. Profit from Blogaments for the year.
  4. Play some live cash at a casino.
  5. Take a shot at $1000 nl online.

I really do hope that I can increase my bankroll significantly and $10k seems like a nice goal. I also promised my wife that I would take out $2k if (when) I hit $6k so the goal is kind of $12k. I plan to experience the WSOP someday so why not try to experience some this year. As far as profiting from the blogaments it is really that I would like to play them a lot, but if I keep losing $ I'll end up playing a lot less.

I have never played poker at a casino (with exception of $3/$6 on a cruise ship, but not for long) and I think that sucks. I don't live close to any at all, but at the same time Atlantic City is still only 5 hours away.

And as far as taking a shot at $1000nl I just think it would do wonders for my poker mind to play for a lot more than I ever have before. I appreciate and try to stick with good bankroll habits, but I also think taking a shot above your limits once in a while is good.

Good luck to everyone in 2008.


lightning36 said...

Congrats on last night's Bodonkey victory.

Hammer Player a.k.a Hoyazo said...

Wassup J3.

As far as your Bracelet Race goals go, they have these things at all buyins down to several of them at $26. For someone trying to increase to a roll of 10k, playing in one or actually several of these should not be the least bit of a problem.

When the bracelet races start up again in a couple of months -- usually around late March or early April as I recall in the past -- I will be writing some about them but I am happy to discuss with you which races give the best bang for your buck. For example, if I'm you I would be thinking about winning some $75 tokens in the 9:45pm ET bracelet races ($14 a pop, hopefully) and then playing in the $75 races because they offer much better odds to actually win your way into the WSOP. We can chat later.

Glad you won the Bodonkey. Now it's time to step up and win a blonkament on a real poker site.

Poker rakeback said...

This blog is awesome full of useful information that i was in dire need of.