04 February 2008

MATH was only a tease

Well poker sucked today. I lost 2 buyins at $50nl to 2 and 5 outers on the river. The MATH turned out to be just a tease. I love the 6-max format and it seemed to be working well for me. I had 2 early hands that sent me to the chip lead. One was a boat against surflexus when he turned a straight draw but missed the river. The other was a turned straight from me when emptyman flopped a set and NumbBono caught TPTK on the turn. I didn't capture the first, but here is the second.

I lost my chip lead after TripJax joined the table. He had raised my C-bet a couple times and when I had the OESD I thought a shove was in order. Unfortunately he flopped the nut flush draw and wasn't folding.

I was also unable to capture my exit when pvanharibo needlessly caught the set on the river when i raised all-in on the turn thinking I was trapping with second pair. She had been calling and floating me an awful lot with my aggressive playing and her pocket Q's caught me off guard.

The MATH was a fitting end to my consectutive losing day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.