19 April 2007

Lunch Poker is -EV

For a couple weeks now I've had the 'feeling' my lunch time poker had been going poorly. I would often spend about an hour playing poker during my lunch. I was regularly loosing. Usually small amounts that I would regain the same evening. A couple times the loses were more than just a little.

I had told myself that I should quit playing at lunch, but still many days I'd hop on and play some stud. With all my loses lately it was much easier to convince myself to not play. I have in fact not played very much during that last couple weeks.

I was just going through some of my data last night from Check Your Bets and came to a horrifying conclusion. Lunch was by far the worst hour on record. Nothing else really came close.

So now that I have backed up my "feeling" with cold hard facts, I am telling myself and you that I cannot allow myself to play at lunch anymore. Some of my coworkers will be disappointed. Some would come by and watch a little and try to learn something. (almost none of them have actually ever played for money so learning included what beat what for some)

On a side note my losses are still adding up. I played 4 SNGs last night. I finished 4th, 4th, 3rd and 9th. I'm not really disappointed in my play, but I got no breaks when they counted. I'm still pretty inexperienced in these SNG's, but I hope I can improve my results quickly.

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